Youth Training

If you're a parent of a youngster between the ages of 6 and 18, you've probably heard the reports: one out of two children don't get the thirty to sixty minutes of daily physical activity they need. The potential results: youth obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and sports-related injuries. At Fit@Home, we're committed to defying those odds. Based on our extensive experience in developmental fitness and pediatric exercise science, we implement fitness protocols that take into account your child's physiological and emotional development. Resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility training markedly improves agility, balance, quickness, speed, strength and cored stability. Aspiring athletes gain the right techniques to pursue their passions; passive children become engaged and excited about their potential. The likelihood of injury due to inadequate physical conditioning is significantly reduced. By building these basic components of fitness, your child will master the skills for enhanced sport performance and overall good health.

"I was never good at any sport and thought i just was destined to be an over weight kid. Rich is like no one i have ever met. The first thing he taught me is that exercise should be like brushing your teeth, you need work at it everyday to be a healthy individual. He also taught me that you don't have to be good at sports to look and feel great about yourself. "Working out" means something different to everyone, and he emphasizes finding activities that you enjoy over painful or boring routines. He has been my biggest cheerleader and has been a huge help to me."
Jessica R.

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